
IDD Summit guests and speaker

List of Takeaways & Concerns for I/DD Providers & Executive Leadership

Last month, I had the privilege to interact with a group of executives at the 2019 I/DD Executive Summit in New Orleans, LA, where Arlington Heritage Group sponsored a happy hour and provider case study.

This year was my third year attending the Summit. What amazes me year after year is the complexity of issues being discussed and the innovative providers paving the way for changes in serving the intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) population.

Providers are facing extreme challenges in providing care for a population that represents a large proportion of health care spending due to complex medical needs, social requirements, and life skills. A population that cannot be cared for by traditional treatment models nor have ease in access to necessary services due to physical and communication limitations.

As the health system looks at improving outcomes and providing valuable care options to this population, provider executives respond to key environmental drivers, market effects, and needed competencies to operate.

Speaking with provider executives and listening to their challenges during the Summit, I compiled a list of four observations that stood at the forefront of conversation.

1. Providers won’t be able to generate enough revenue under new reimbursement models without innovation and scaling the size of their organization – The I/DD Provider Business Model Must Shift: Why Aren’t You?

2. Managed care for the I/DD population is happening and is growing across the country. It is critical to work with these organizations to develop programs, best practices, and outcomes that provide value – How Can Managed Care Work For The I/DD Population?

3. Tracking data and integrating quality measures into your leadership discussions, strategy, daily operations, and culture will be required to demonstrate value – Moving From Utilization To Value: The Game That Will Determine Your Outcomes

4. Industries with advanced technology and massive amounts of capital are beginning to see the margins of increased efficiencies in the I/DD market. Executives must evaluate options for keeping-up-with-the-Joneses or creating efficiencies in-house – Where Is Competition from New Investors and New Technology Coming From?

Over the next few weeks, I will be expanding on these four takeaways and the areas of concern that were derived from this thought leadership session.