
collage of people with special needs

Use An Exempt Resource To Save Consumer Funds & Staff Time

We know the importance you place on choosing services that best support your consumers and community.  Over one hundred human service providers nationwide have made THE PROVIDER TRUST their choice to control consumer funds and maintain eligibility.

As an exempt resource, THE PROVIDER TRUST is an in-house special needs pooled trust that allows those in your care to save any amount of money in their trust account and not jeopardize their benefits.

Put an exempt resource to work for your organization to save staff time and consumer funds by eliminating the need for spends downs while creating a permanent endowment to support your consumers, especially those without resources.

You control the trust and are supported by Arlington Heritage Group as administrator. We handle the day-to-day activity, compliance, record-keeping and staff training while the important decisions rest with you and the consumer.

Let us step you through your due diligence. Click here to dive right in.

Arlington Heritage Group is an exempt resource expert and works exclusively with human service providers to help safeguard benefits and build resources for its consumers and I/DD community.

Take a quick look at our website or contact me at [email protected] or call 215-672-1184, ext. 6.