The Provider Trust
Simple Process to Begin
“The Trust in a Box”
Arlington Heritage Group renders a simplified process by offering its “Trust In A Box” concept. The effort, time and capital expense of developing your own compliant special needs pooled trust is already done for you. Simply unpack the box and begin.
It’s a simple process to begin:
- Review Trust Documents & Assign Trustee
- Select Investment Profile
- Enroll Individuals Into Your Trust, Make Deposits & Authorize Distributions
- Direct Administration & Training Work To Arlington Heritage Group
Your new special needs pooled trust is irrevocable and meets federal and state requirements. There is no cost to you as the provider to operate this trust. For consumers, there is a low annual administration fee of 1.5%, which is pro-rated monthly on the individual trust account balances. There is no minimum contribution to open a trust account.
Family members, guardians and your supports teams are welcome and encouraged to make distributions from the trust on behalf of the individual.
When a consumer passes away, after the final expenses have been paid from their trust account, any remaining balance will be transferred into the pooled trust remainder for you to support individuals in your programs.