Break The Cycle Of Spend Downs To Save Benefits

Start Using A Special Needs Pooled Trust

Money put into an exempt resource, such as a special needs pooled trust will not count towards a beneficiary’s resource limit. Meaning any amount of an individual’s money/assets can be held in the trust account and will not disrupt a person’s benefits.

Here are a few examples of why a person should use a special needs pooled trust to shelter funds:

Begin Reaping The Rewards

When a Provider uses a special needs pooled trust, they are better equipped to manage resource limits, secure eligibility for benefits and positively influence long term outcomes by:

Strategy To Work For Your Agency & Those In Your Care

Why should a Provider put strategy into their consumer funds management with a special needs pooled trust? Because:

A special needs pooled trust is not obligated to payback Medicaid, so when a consumer passes away, the funds in their trust account remain in the trust as “remainder money”

Remainder money is used at the agency/trustee’s discretion, spending on individuals within its I/DD community that are deemed disabled via SSI criteria.

Let us help you strategize your consumer funds management. Preparing for a better tomorrow starts today.